Friday, January 31, 2020

I'm not sick anymore

 I am glad to say I was feeling alot better today and actually focus in class today . We wrote 3 body paragraphs about whether or not ABC was right for suspending one of their reporters. I believed that they had every right too ,and that this would give them time to think about what they have done and work on more reports. Their one mistake could've cost the company lots money.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Deducive v.s. Inductive

We started off talking about premise to begin the lesson.Premise is a statement that an argument claims will induce or justify a conclusion.  I was really confused at the begining of the first exercise ,we had to put different things the same circle and figure out if the argument was valid or invalid. The circles really had me lost because I did't know where to put some of the words because they didn't fit. I belive that with hard work and determination I will be able to master.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

I Don't like it here

 I dislike being sick very much.It was so hard to focus in class today because it felt like I had to sneeze every 2 seconds and nothing came out. Luckly I did get the leason and it seems fairly easy. We are now talking about reason and reasoning .''Is there really a difference?,"Yes ,yes there is. Reason is why a person does something.Reasoning is the explanation that explains why they did the thing.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

What is my purpose?

 I honestly can say that I do not know my purpose yet but I can make lots of guesses based off my talents and skills. I love to draw ,and I'm suprisingly good at it ,I can aslo sing which something else I really enjoy.Based on these two I could say I was meant to do something in the arts ,but unfortunately I'm a little too shy for that. Next things that are on my list would be my academic skills .These paired along with my drawing skills gives me the opportunity to become an architect. To be fair I'm not opposed to the idea ,Was it my original plan in life? No, but hey" beggars can't be choosers".

Monday, January 27, 2020

Goodbye Kobe

Todays lesson started off a little sad, yesterday a helicopter crashed killed Kobe Bryant and his daughter GiGi as well as seven others. We watched his short film" Dear Basketball" the film was based off a poem he had written before he retired. He was pretty much talking about how he gave his all towards basketball because he knew in his heart it was meant for him . After watching and discussing the film we moved on to a new prompt . We talked about sense of self as well as identity we watched another short film where a girl was trying to find her identity in her school where people had seemed to share an identity. No one really knew where they belonged.This relates to my life in some ways I don't really know where I belong or who I am yet. But soon in time I will.

Friday, January 24, 2020

New post

 We went back into groups today to finish answering our questions from yesterday.It didn't take long so soon after we finished we started reading a little out of a book.After that we started on a promt about schools having classes on vocational education, which is like a trade or something that could help you in life. An example could be home ecomomics or workshop. I believe that we should have those classses ,they could become a back up plan for any student that believes that college isn't for them.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Mr.Rease is back

Mr.Rease came back and on his first day back we had a multiple choice quiz. I could've cried, I am happy thoght that it was just a simple passage with a few questions. I can't lie thought it was a little hard ,some of the questions were a little confusing. Once we were finished we were put in to groups of 3 where we had to answer a few questions. We were told that one person of each group  had the highest score we just didn't know who.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

1st Field trip of 3rd Quarter

 I was not in class today due to a riffle competition today at Vigor highschool for JROTC. It was very cold outside today,but guess who decided to get ice cream . I did and it was delicious.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

We've started writing a essay

Today Mr.Rease was absent sadly.He left us an assignment with the substitute to keep us busy, as well as help us with test and papers in the future. 

Friday, January 17, 2020

What a Drag

Today was a very interesting day .We read other people's essays and graded them like it was the AP test. It was pretty hard reading some of them due to hand writing. We found mistakes in each of the papers. I did not enjoy it because it left me with a headache. I respect the english teachers that have to grade our papers . I can say though, I learned a thing or too from grading them ,mainly that this is going to be pretty easy as along as I finish them.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Our Experiences

More evidence ,Yay. But honestly today was fairly decent. We were put in groups of 3 where we talked about things we had observed pertaining to our claim, as well as things we had experienced. Some of there experiences were really funny. I even had tears from laughing so hard. Some of the stories were pretty normal like passing a class .While others were figuring out whether or not they were allergic to cats

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Certainty and Doubt Day 2

Today we countinued talking about the relationship between certainty and doubt, only this time we watched videos to gather evidence to back up our claims. One of the videos we watched was a speech given by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. In this speech he talked about how hard his life was before he began his wrestling career , and how those things help push and motivate him everyday. This went along with my claim about how they are balanced and that doubt helps to push you to work harder towards your goal.Doubt in my belief is needed when you have a goal set in life you need that drive or that motivation to push you to better yourself.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Certainty and Doubt

Certainty and doubt they go hand and hand, don't you think.Well at least to me they do I believe that doubt is what pushes a person towards their goals. Something or someone telling you that you can't do something makes a person want to do that thing more. That was today's discussion was about certainty and doubt. Certainty has everything to do with your faith, are you positive that this is something that can happen or something you can work towards and achieve.

Monday, January 13, 2020

4 Corners and ACT Scores

Today was a really good day, a little too good for my taste.We started off playing 4 corners using different topics for arguments.One of the questions we were asked has stuck with me though.Should teenagers be able to make decisions on body modifications? I disagreed with this only because of the regrets some may have afterwards.Say you were to get a tattoo of something you thought was cool or many of your friends had, but when you get older you don't like it as much and want to get it removed. Although you could pay to get it removed it's a little expensive, and it leaves a scar where the tattoo once was. So I don't believe it would be wise to give a teenager (ages 13-17) that kind of responsibility. We had to leave class a little early today for a quick 11th grade meeting. There we talked about the upcoming ACT exams and how we are preping for them. They also gave some students prizes for having higher than a 20 on the last exam. Lucky for me I had a 22 and recieved a reward.

Friday, January 10, 2020

New Fallacies

We learned about some new fallacies today and how to identify fallacies. When it comes to identifying fallicies you have to ask yourself 3 questions; Does the proof add up?Am I given the right number of choices? Does the proof led to the conclusion?While these do help figure out if an argument contains fallacies they do not help in figuring out which one is being used.As far as learning new fallacies we learned 4 today. They are Appeal to popularity, Reductio ad absurdum, fallacy of antecedent, and all natural fallacy. These are all fairly easy compared to some of the last ones we learned.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Fallacy Skits

We continued discussing fallacies today, but instead of normal book work we got into groups of 4 and made a skit using the fallacy given to us. My group had Red herring, this is the easiest of them to me. Throughout the plannig process there was alot of laughter and jokes being made,but we got it done.Then it came time for the other groups to present, they were really funny I have to admit but a few were confusing.The hardest group had to be the 3rd they had 5 memebers so they had 2 different fallacies . When time came for my group I was pretty nervous ,but that went away soon as we started talking .I tried my hardest not to laugh while we were up their but I didn't do too much of a good job.In the end this assignment helped me alot and I had a better understanding after seeing some one act them out.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

13 Types of Fallacy

Today's lesson was a bit challenging for me, probably due to the fact we learned about 13 diferent versions of the same thing, Fallacy.They are : Hasty generalization, missing the point,post hoc(false cause),Slippery Slope,Weak Anology,Appeal to Authority, Appeal to Pity, Appeal to Ignorance, Straw Man,Red Herring, False Dichotomy (Dilemma), Begging the Question, and Equivocation. The worst part of it all is that I can not even pronounce some of the names,but i do understand what some of them mean. Although I do not understand all of them I know I will eventually. I will put forth the effort and and work on these to prepare for any test that will have any of these on them.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

A New semester

Today was the first day of 3rd quarter, and since it was our first day back we didn't really do much.We discussed our plans for this semster and talked about what we would be learning. I feel that this will possibly be the hardest semester for us due to the fact we have huge exams coming up such as the ACT(March 10) as well as our AP exams. We also watched TED talk, this time it was a man named Arel Moodie. He talked about how being smart does not make you successful it is the effort that u put forth. To me it makes sense ,you could be as smart as Einstein ,but if you do not put forth that effort and use it to your advantage is has no use.