Wednesday, January 8, 2020

13 Types of Fallacy

Today's lesson was a bit challenging for me, probably due to the fact we learned about 13 diferent versions of the same thing, Fallacy.They are : Hasty generalization, missing the point,post hoc(false cause),Slippery Slope,Weak Anology,Appeal to Authority, Appeal to Pity, Appeal to Ignorance, Straw Man,Red Herring, False Dichotomy (Dilemma), Begging the Question, and Equivocation. The worst part of it all is that I can not even pronounce some of the names,but i do understand what some of them mean. Although I do not understand all of them I know I will eventually. I will put forth the effort and and work on these to prepare for any test that will have any of these on them.

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