Monday, January 13, 2020

4 Corners and ACT Scores

Today was a really good day, a little too good for my taste.We started off playing 4 corners using different topics for arguments.One of the questions we were asked has stuck with me though.Should teenagers be able to make decisions on body modifications? I disagreed with this only because of the regrets some may have afterwards.Say you were to get a tattoo of something you thought was cool or many of your friends had, but when you get older you don't like it as much and want to get it removed. Although you could pay to get it removed it's a little expensive, and it leaves a scar where the tattoo once was. So I don't believe it would be wise to give a teenager (ages 13-17) that kind of responsibility. We had to leave class a little early today for a quick 11th grade meeting. There we talked about the upcoming ACT exams and how we are preping for them. They also gave some students prizes for having higher than a 20 on the last exam. Lucky for me I had a 22 and recieved a reward.

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