Thursday, January 9, 2020

Fallacy Skits

We continued discussing fallacies today, but instead of normal book work we got into groups of 4 and made a skit using the fallacy given to us. My group had Red herring, this is the easiest of them to me. Throughout the plannig process there was alot of laughter and jokes being made,but we got it done.Then it came time for the other groups to present, they were really funny I have to admit but a few were confusing.The hardest group had to be the 3rd they had 5 memebers so they had 2 different fallacies . When time came for my group I was pretty nervous ,but that went away soon as we started talking .I tried my hardest not to laugh while we were up their but I didn't do too much of a good job.In the end this assignment helped me alot and I had a better understanding after seeing some one act them out.

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