Friday, March 27, 2020

Online school?

So this week has pretty much been like last week ,except I got out the house one day.I did a little work for school , listen to alot of music,I even learned a new dance.I found out yesterday that we will not be going back to school until Fall and we will do our work online. I'm really going to miss my classmates and the fun we had in class. Hopefully we can meet up sometime during our break.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Day 4 of self quarantine

So I've been stuck in the house for 4 days now, It's getting boring . It's been same continuous cycle:wake up,eat,attempt work,quit work,play a few games,and sleep. Every freaking day .Hopefully it gets better as the days go by. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Nice day

Today was a really chill day since we took the ACT yesterday all of our teachers understood that we were still recovering. Because of this we were left with nothing to do so we watched a few short films.One of my favorites was Hair Love . It was about a young African american girl struggling with her natural hair ,she wanted a special style but had problems doing it alone . I really recommend it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Monday, March 9, 2020

ACT Tommorrow

 I can not believe that tommorrow is really the day for the ACT. Thats all I could think about in 4th block today. we have been preparing for months for this one test and I'm glad to say I feel ready.

Friday, March 6, 2020

I Love my Class

So today they were having a party in the gym and some students stayed behind including me. Before they left we played a few rounds of kahoot which I kind of enjoyed. They updated the game so some features were a little weird. After they left me as well as my other classmates that were left behind decided play the questions game. It was really interesting hearing everyone's reaction and responses to certain questions. Hopefully we get to do it again soon.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Into the Woods I Go

 I was not in class today due to a field trip. We went orienteering which is pretty much when you and your teammates are given a compass and a map and you have to find various points . My team started a little late but it was fine, when we first started I was so cold my teeth even started chattering.We were the last school to leave because one of our teams took too long to get back to the buses. Overall it was really fun and calming walking around and sometimes even running around the forest to find our points.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Annotative bibliography

 We walked into the class and I look to my right and see the rolling lab by the door and panicked immediately . Turns out there was nothing to worry about when we were given the laptops we went to and found a article that could help with our prompt. We learned about annotative bibliography which is a summary of the article. or atleast thats as far as we got today with practicing them we are supposed to continue tommorrow.

Monday, March 2, 2020

First Day back from Mardi Gras

Ok I'm going to be completely honest , I almost fell asleep in class today and it wasn't because it was boring. It took everything out me but I stayed up during the lesson. We are pretty much preparing for the ACT which will be next week and I am really nervous.I've taken it before but not only does this score count against me but for the rest of the school so there is alot of pressure.