Friday, February 21, 2020

God is Good

Let me tell you guys how good God is. Today we had another test ,and I was stressing the entire time. I almost changed some of my answers out of fear but I decided to keep them .To me the test was kind of hard, the reading was easy but some of the questions were difficult to understand.Once I finished my test I took it up to Mr.Rease so that he could grade it.When I went back up there to check the grade he had wrote a 2 on the paper and my heart dropped,he then proceeded to write a 9 in front of the 2 giving me the grade of a 92.That was the highest I've scored on one of those kinds of tests and I was really excited.It was also the highest of the class.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Quietest we've ever been

So after the last 3 people presented today Mr.Rease decided he was going to go over our essays with us 1 by 1.The only way he could do that though was if we were quiet enough.To ensure that our class stayed quiet he gave us a list of work that we would have to do and turn in tomorrow .Everyone worked in silence and thankfully we didn't get the homework.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

All Around the World

We continued presentations today and let me tell u there were a bunch of countries from Africa today. I would have to say my favorite was Egypt. Egypt is a place that I've always been interested by as well as Greece and some Asian countries, mainly because of there folklore and myths. When I was younger I would often read books based on those places so I could learn more. Everyone did really well today during presentations.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

This was not Part of the Plan

 I thought I was supposed to present tomorrow , but no Mr.Rease said, "SIKEE," and threw me in today. I was really nervous because he said we couldn't use note cards.Thankfully I remembered alot about Hong Kong. Somethings had me worried such as my pronunciation, some words I stumbled on, but to be fair I can barely pronounce some english words. Overall I think I did pretty decent and ended up getting a 94.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Act prep Day 2

Many of us were out of class today for ACT prep.The junior class will be taking the Act March 10.I am very nervous but excited .I've taken the test before and got a 22 the first time, hopefully I can get a higher score.

Friday, February 14, 2020

The beloved essay

We had 55 minutes write a 5 paragraph essay. I thought was going to be harder then what it actually was.I spent the first 10 mins prepping and the next 45 just continously writing. Once we finished we had the rest bbn of the block which was mainly us dancing and joking around.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Buffalo Soldier

I wasn't in class today because I met a Veteran named Taylor Howard. He was a WWII Buffalo Soldier .He came to give a speech to some of the kids in Jrotc .And one thing I couldn't believe was that he was 101 years old. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


 I love learning about different cultures ,and I'm happy I do. We have project coming up where we research a country and make a powerpoint on it. I started off with Eygpt but sadly someone had the same place as me so I had to pick another one. I was really hoping I would get South Korea because I am really interested in their culture as well as Japan's. My wish kind of came true it wasn't the places I was hoping for but I got Hong Kong this is going to be very interesting.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Oh, we Love Test

 Guess who had another quiz today (hint: my 4th block). If you said me you would be correct. Mr. Rease has been telling us to not come into class sad whenever we have tests and quizes. Sometimes it's hard because tests are a big part of a grade ,and also because his class is the last of the day and sometimes I end up with headaches before his class.

Friday, February 7, 2020

I Would Like To File A Complaint

 Test are one of the worst things to have ever surface the Earth, especially when they are timed . We took a quick test today . I personally felt that the test was a little difficult ,but that was only because some of the questions were worded weirdly.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Nurturing Mother

Today we read 2 poems for our new prompt. One was by Maya Angelou and the other by Langston Hughes. Maya's was about a son's message to his mother about how people judged him for being the man that he was ,it was like he was seen as being weak or a" mama's boy".Langston's on the other hand was about a mother's message to her son about the hardships a life ,by comparing her life to an old set of stairs with many twist and turns.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

I Went to class

 Today was my first day back in class since Friday. And let me tell you, I did not enjoy it all that much . It started off fine but a little into class I had gotten a headache. Maybe it was from laughing too much , we started class off reading a prompt and we had to watch videos for evidence.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Great Service speech

Sadly I was not in class again today ,but it was for a good cause. I had to write a speech for tomorrow's program. I am really nervous but really excited because this is one of the largest groups I'll have spoke too. Fingers crossed all goes well.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Go Chiefs!!!!

Today I was not in class because I was taken out to practice for the ACT. Because of this I was not able to celebrate with Mr.Rease. "What are you celebrating for?," some of you may ask, to put it simply, last night the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl.