Friday, November 22, 2019

Turkey day Break

Today was the last day before Thanksgiving break ,and we got out early.We wrote essays in class which was something I was not ready for. Before 4th block I had taken a nap in 3rd block and I woke up with a headache.So I spent 4th struggling with my essay along with a headache.Now we will be out for week which means no blogs.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The One That Got Away

We had to leave class early today because we had a Call of Duty tournament.It lasted for around 2 hours ,and it wasn't fun. I believe it wasn't fun during to the fact I had to work during the entire thing.Me and some of my fellow classmates are apart of the National Honor Society for our school  and this was our event.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


I was absent today ,but I wasn't the only one. I had been told that Mr.Rease also hadn't been present today.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

I need Help

Today we wrote a paragraph and had our other classmates read and add little comments.I was pretty nervous ,considering that I did not finish my paragraph in time.

Monday, November 18, 2019

I really need more title ideas

Today in class we continued talking about writing essays, and the steps that are needed. I still think that it is pretty easy in some ways,but I have have to work on my diction. 

Friday, November 15, 2019

College tour

I was absent today because I went to Tallahassee, Fl for a college tour.The trip was long but was also very worth it.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Subject vs. Object

Today in class we discussed subject pronouns and objective pronouns,and how they are used. It can be very confusing at times because I normally base it off of the way that I speak.I have been told that is not the case for ACT and other major tests. I feel that I will do fairly well on these parts of the test considering how good I did on the practice questions we did today. The only downfall is that I can not explain how I get my answers.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

AP Exams

Today we talked about writing essays for the AP exams. I started off thinking that it would be fairly simple ,but it isn't . I now know that's I need to work on watching the time and well as the my word choice,or diction. If I want to get a 3 on it I would have to do good on my test portion ,as well as do great on one of my essays ,and fairly decent on the other two.

Friday, November 8, 2019

I'm Running out of title ideas

Today we worked on tone and mood.So far I believe that I understand tone based on what we've discussed. Mood, on the other hand, is a whole nother story. I am getting mood confused with tone,which is pretty understandable considering that they are pretty similar.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

I Almost Had a Dream

Today was a very tiring day. It was kind of hard for me to focus because I was so tired ,but nonetheless I stay up and did my work.We continued talking about rhetorical analysis , and we looked over the I have a dream speech again. We had to find an example for pathos, ethos,and logos.To me the hardest one to find was ethos ,because we had to find one pertaining to ethics.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Vocab quiz 3

This assignment ,for me, was harder then the last. I had trouble finding an item for the word bombast ,which is a useful but meaningless language. The things that I thought of using at first could not fit inside my bag.So I had to use a picture of Donald Trump. I found some of the other presentations to be quite funny.My least favorite part of the whole assignment was that we could not pick our own words.This was done so that everyone could not have the same word. Overall I did fairly well on my presentation,and I believe that I am getting more comfortable presenting.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

I Have a Dream

Rhetorical analysis ,my favorite.Today we analyzed the I have a dream speech by Martin Luther King jr. It took most of the block, and I was confused at first .I kept getting certain parts confused but in the end I got it.

Monday, November 4, 2019

New Seat , New Me

I have a new seat now.It's by the window,so that could be a good or a bad thing for me. Good because I get to look outside,bad because I get distracted very easily. I also found out that I have a test to make up thursday.Yay!

Friday, November 1, 2019

Home alone

I was not at school today because I was sick. I was left at home alone  ,and I slept most of the day.