Thursday, October 31, 2019

Roses are red,Violets are blue, I hate writing poems ,Do you?

Writing poetry is something that I have never been good at.So, today when Mr.Rease had told the class that we had to write a poem for homework I was worried. It has to be more than 14 lines long,and it has to have a metaphor. I have my topic and metaphor ,now it is time for me to actually write the poem.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Honor Roll

Me and a few of my other classmates got out of class early because of a honor roll ceremony. It was fine just a little boring. We all walked up got our certificates and sat down . They gave us pizza and juice ,and there was a dj.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Vocabulary quiz 2

So my day did not go so well in 4th block.For starters,my powerpoint would not send .Turns out I was supposed to use the other email. We mainly presented today and most of the videos were pretty hilarious.We had lots of technical difficulties, the smart board kept getting disconnected from the computer which took lots of time for us to fix. I will not be able to present until tomorrow because we ran out of time.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Where's our Teacher?

Today our teacher was not here. Unfortunately we had to go to another teacher's class. She gave us a test ,and I was very unprepared.Soon as I walked in my classmates told me that she was going to give us a test. I did not believe them ,and as soon as she stepped foot in the class she had packets in her hand.It was 55 questions, all multiple choice ,and was for US History. I was not ready at all, and I don't believe I did too well on it.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Costume Day

Today was the last day of homecoming week ,and the day of our rhetorical devices quiz. The quiz was hard but easy at the same time. I was confused during some portions ,because I would get some of them confused even though we were using our notes. It was hard making sentences using the different devices.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Sadly, I was not able to go on the field trip today with my other classmates.Instead I was at school with the jrotc program for our biggest inspection. JPA is something that only happens once every 4 years.I was extremely nervous due to the fact that I had to partake in briefings. In the end we did great and passed.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

90's Day

This week is our homecoming week,and to celebrate today we had 90's day . Alot of people had dressed up ,myself included,and we had a party.Alot of people in my 4th block did not attend the party.It was extremely hot inside the gym  ,and I did not have as much fun as I thought I would.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

My Worst Nightmare

Today we had to present our projects in class ,and I was extremely nervous. I was the 3rd person to present . I mispronounced aegis, something I knew I would do,but I continued nevertheless. I was relieved once I finished. More of my classmates presented ,some funnier then others.I enjoyed class today .Hopefully I will do better on my next presentation.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Fair or Unfair

Today in class we were put into 5 groups. Each group had gotten a question to write down on a large piece of paper.We all had to answer each other's questions as well as our own.In the end we ended back at our desk and we had to share answers.After we finished we were given a article ,which we read in class , and had discussed different parts of the article and whether we believed they were fair or not.The article was about smokers and obese people who were looking for jobs.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Rhetorical devices (part 3)

Today in class we learned about 2 more rhetorical devices.After we finished discussing them we played a game of kahoot ,but sadly we did not finish. We ran out of time before we could continue on.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

More Rhetorical Devices

Today in class we learned 3 new rhetorical devices.  Litotes ,which are similar to understatmemts, emphasize points by using a word opposite to the condition. Antithesis make use of a contrast in language to bring a contrast in ideas. Hypophora is the technique of asking a question then proceeding to answer it.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The First day of 2nd Qtr

This quarter started off differently .Today in class we were given a book that had vocabulary words inside, which we had to copy. With these 15 words we have to pick 4 and memorize the definition for each.After that we have to find pictures that we believe best shows the definition of the word. This isn't due until next Tuesday. So ,in class we had a assignment in which we filled in the blanks using the words that were given.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Last day of 1st Qtr

Today in class we discussed the difference between listening and hearing.We also learned what makes a good listener which meant that we had to listen to a classmate speak and write down notes based on what they were discussing.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Eqt Review?

  Today we reviewed the first couple of questions from the Eqt.We were in our teams that we were assigned to. We did not do many just the first few so that we could see what we did wrong, and if our teammates could help us understand.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

EQT Day 2

  Today we took the actual test portion of the EQT. We had 1 hour to complete the whole test. This was by far one of the hardest EQT's I've taken for an english class.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

EQT Day 1

   Todays schedule had been flipped around, we went to 4th block first . So we did the essay portion of our test . We had 1 hour to write paper with a minimum of 850 words.

Monday, October 7, 2019


  Today, we read and analyzed the poem Birches, by Robert Frost. Birch trees do not break when bent over, instead they remain in their bent position. In the poem it was said that birches had been bent by ice storms ,but Robert liked to to think that boys had been swinging on the trees like he used to as a child. Seeing those trees seemed to comfort him and bring him to a happy place or an escape.Afterwards, we had read a few more poems . For homework we had to write a poem using imergy based on an item that we found around the house.

Friday, October 4, 2019

EQT review

Today in class, we reviewed for the eqt.Our main focus was on claims and evidence. We read and analyzed a picture from a crime scene.The man was found dead in the bathroom, and we had to figure out who did it and find the evidence to back it up. This reminded me of something we had did last year in another class.I enjoyed doing this rather than us having to read a passage and just write notes on claims and evidence.

Thursday, October 3, 2019


Today was the last day of  presentations ,and I am glad that they are finally over. Next week we take our EQT's for 1st Qtr ,and I am very nervous but prepared. After next week this quarter will finally come to an end.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

We Did It !!

 Today was the day my group finally presented. Yes, I know we were supposed to present Monday ,but things got in the way . We were supposed to have 1 hour ,but we had to change it to 40 minutes so that another group could present as well.