Friday, September 27, 2019

Chapter 13

Today the group that had chapter 13 presented. We did the same as yesterday .We sat and discussed questions  and answers.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Chapter 12

 Today the group that had chapter 12 taught the class .We went around the class answering the different questions that they had for us. We had some funny responses throughout the hour . I believed that the group did good ,and I actually learned a little from them today.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Group Assignment (pt.2)

    Today we continued working on our assignments that we recieved yesterday. Since my group was pretty much done reading our chapter we decided to read some more to prepare for the next day. We all know what we have to do so now we just have to continue to work on them.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Group Assignment ?

    We were put into groups of 3 to 4 people today. In those groups we have to make a lesson out of the chapter we were given from the book we are currently reading. My group has chapter 14, and we will be presenting Monday. Today while were in groups we assigned everyone differents parts of the assignment. We also started reading our chapter together up until the bell rung and we had to leave.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Jessica Jones

 So today we were supposed to take a test ,but due to many of our classmates not being present we had to do a different activity. As a class we came up with a protagonist and a antagonist and make them a story . Our protagonist name is Jessica Jones she is 25 and pregnant. She is from New Orleans and stayed with her grandmother. The antagonist name is Mercedees ,she is Jessica's older sister. She is 32 and married ,she had been divorced 3 times before this marriage. By the end of class we had came up with story for them that we had all agreed on.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Chapters 7 & 8

  Today in class we started talking about our dreams and how much they effect our lives. Then about how being alone can be good for a person. Being alone can help someone find themselves or just reflect on their lives. After we were done we went over chapter 7 and 8 and answered a few questions.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Negro Speaks of Rivers

     Today in class we started off taking a quick quiz on chapter 7 of "Wild".After we finished we began reading and analyzing the poem "The Negro Speak of Rivers" by Langston Hughes. In the poem he begans referring to different rivers during different periods of time all to say that his people were apart of it all ,even the beginning.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Chapters 5 & 6

      We took another quiz today but this time on chapters 5 and 6 of "Wild". We chose which questions we answered whether they were all from 5 or all from 6. After finishing we read a small print out on through hikers and went over the quiz. It was fairly easy today, and some of the answers we recieved were funny. Overall today was pretty great.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Thesis Statements

  Who knew they could be so difficult? Today we discussed thesis statements ,meaning what they consist of and where do they go in a essay. They should always be the last sentence in the first paragraph. A thesis statement consists of a topic  a point ,and 3 supporting reasons.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Test # 2

  Today we took another test ,but this time it was on chapter 3 and 4 of "Wild". It was easier than the last test we took I'll say. There were 20 critical thinking questions and we had to answer them all, although I felt that we did not have enough time.After he said time was up he made everyone put their pens down and we reviewed the questions.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


   We skimmed over chapter 2 of "Wild" today in class while going over some important parts throughout the chapter. Before we started skimming we read our questions out loud from homework,and some of  our classmates had to answer them. They were critical thinking questions that we made after reading chapter 1. Chapter 2 was called "splitting" and was about her life after her mother finally died and why her and her husband (Paul) got a divorce.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


   Today,as most of you know, is 9/11 the day that many americans lost their lives ,and others family members due a terrorist attack. So in class today we talked about what it meant to be an american, what it meant to be patriotic , and who were some american heros. We named them and gave our reasonings behind why we chose such things or certain people. Right before class ended we wrote a couple of sentences about how we could help make our country better. One of the main ways I think we could make it better is by doing volunteer work or helping out with different charities.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Chapter 1

    Mr.Rease came back today, so we read and disscused the prologue and chapter 1 of "Wild " by Cheryl Strayed. It started off with her screaming after she watched one of her boots fall off the side of the mountain followed by the other one that she threw. Then at the begining of chapter one she began talking about the day she found out her mother had lung cancer. She told all her thoughts, everything she felt, and events that happened leading up to the day she passed.

Monday, September 9, 2019

No Work?

   Today Mr.Rease was not here,so we had to sit in another teacher's class. When we were all settled we began going over chapter one of "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed. I am actually enjoying the book as it seems to become more interesting the more I read.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Look at the Bears !!

    We are going to start reading "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed over the weekend, and I am honestly ready for it. So today in class we talked about hiking and all the essentials that are needed for them. In the story she ends up hiking the Pacific Crest trail in order to "find herself". So one of the main things we thought we need was protection , and the best form was bear spray. Bears can be found along most hiking trails ,and are very dangerous .We watched a couple of videos on people's interactions with bears.Some ended well while others did not . The most important thing that i learned from today's lesson was to stay clear from bears especially when you have no protection.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Claims and Evidence #2

     If you have read my blog thus far then you know that we have been working on claims and evidence for weeks. We looked back at some of the claims from some of our peers paragraphs on the board ,and decided whether or not they answered the prompt correctly or not . After finishing we were given a new prompt for us to answer . We had to tell what it meant to own something , and if owning things tangible ,or untangible items effected a persons morals or character . Although i feel as if this is repetitive I know that in the end it will help me pass the test .

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


       Today in class we read "Ambush" by Tim O'Brien . In the begining it started off with the narrator (Tim) talking to his daughter, who was 9 at the time, about his time in the war . She asked him if had killed anyone, and he denied her claim because he believed that she wasn't old enough to understand why he killed a man. We also got our grades back from our test which started our lesson for the day. It was pretty easy we got into groups, and we had to write our answer for the question that was asked. The answers were put up on the smartboard ,and everyone had to pick which answer they believed was corrrect by using the process of elimination.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Day 19

 So far we've been in school for 19 days, and today's lesson was just like the rest. We read a little about arguments and how to win one , as well as the difference between a fight and a argument. In a fight no one wins, and it's like it continues until they are satisfied.